Our Services
Family Law
Capital Gains
Family Law
Pre-sale & Pre-purchase
Probate Valuations
Buying Property
Family law – marriage or defacto
When a marriage or defacto relationship ends it can create uncertainty when making decisions regarding the disbursement of assets. The first question most parties ask them self is should I engage a lawyer. Whether you choose to engage the services of a lawyer or represent yourself you will need to ascertain the value of your assets. This process can become complicated and costly without the correct information.
Tanner Hardwick Property Valuers provide a completely ‘independent’ valuation service which ensures your assets are protected. Our services have been developed to accommodate your individual circumstances and have been accredited by the peak industry body ‘Australian Property institute’ and the “Australian Family Law Courts.
Our services include; one stop shop, flexible inspections times, long and short from reports thorough in content, quick turnaround times, no upfront costs, and inexpensive compared to our competitors.
capital Gains
Many assets are not assessed under this scheme for example an individual’s family home, private vehicle, and most personal assets, such as furniture. Therefore; when you acquire an asset excluding those described above you must keep records immediately because you may need to pay tax on such asset when it is sold in the future. The accuracy of your records will ensure you pay the minimum amount of CGT why pay any more than necessary. If an asset is owned jointly with another person, you’ll need to ascertain each person’s allocation to ensure the appropriate apportionment in value is attributed to each party.
Some examples of the types of assets subject to CGT include; vacant land, rental properties, holiday homes, rural country living hobby farms positioned on allotments greater than 2.5 hectares. As described previously your ‘main (family home) is normally exempt from CGT unless rented during a period of ownership.
It is critical a professional valuer ascertains the value of an asset under the following circumstances; inheritance, transferring of asset to or from self managed superannuation fund, vacating a family home and renting it for a period in time, moving into a rental property, undertaking major modifications and refurbishment. These are key factors which regularly cause major problems with the Australian Tax Office hence the importance of engaging a professional valuer to undertake such investigation.
Pre-sale & Purchase
When a person is considering selling property they should ensure the services of an “Independent Valuer” is arranged prior to selecting a local real estate agent undertake the process of selling the property. Market appraisals are simply a sales persons opinion of what they believe a property could expect to sell for should the property be marketed on the open market. Real estate agents a sales people skilled in marketing and negotiation, not property valuers unfortunately most real estate agents base the appraisal price of a property based upon their own financial gain. The majority of real estate agents work on commission in many cases agents can give property owners a high appraisal to list your property with them, or give you a low appraisal to ensure a quick sale. It is imperative to bear in mind real estate agents are “Salesman” who are paid a fee to sell your home, in contrast to “Valuers”.