Marriage & Defacto

Marriage & Defacto

Marriage & Defacto

When a marriage or defacto relationship ends it can create uncertainty when making decisions regarding the disbursement of assets. The first question most parties ask them self is should I engage a lawyer. Whether you choose to engage the services of a lawyer or represent yourself you will need to ascertain the value of your assets. This process can become complicated and costly without the correct information.

Tanner Hardwick Property Valuers provide a completely ‘independent’ valuation service which ensures your assets are protected. Our services have been developed to accommodate your individual circumstances and have been accredited by the peak industry body ‘Australian Property institute’ and the “Australian Family Law Courts.

Our services include; one stop shop, flexible inspections times, long and short from reports thorough in content, quick turnaround times, no upfront costs, and inexpensive compared to our competitors.