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Generally an inspection takes between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on the size, design and shape of the property. The vast majority of a Valuers time is spent identifying sales eveidence from within he prevailing market. Once al this information is gathered, the final analysis should be completed in a quiet office environment, allowing a valuer to interpret ALL the information, which could take somewhere between 30 minutes and several, varying due to the complexity of each individual valuation.
The appointed valuer must comply with the Australian property Institutes standards when conducting a valuation. This includes such things as; full internal and external inspection, conduct appropriate research regarding sales evidence within the prevailing market, and consult with the governing Local Authority to confirm legal and permissible use. Once the investigation is completed, the valuer will summarise his/her findings in a formal written report.
- Economic conditions in both Australia and the global market
- Location characteristics which include; adjoining properties, surrounding services, suburb name and views
- Building characteristics which include; age, condition, size, functionality and quality
- Land characteristics which include; zoning, topography, shape, size and encumbrances
Open Hours
9am - 5pm / Min - Fri
0411 022 074
Head Office
35 Olive St Prospect, SA 5082